Application for participation in the prize draw for the Russian Geographical Society's tenth anniversary international educational initiative, the "Geographical Dictation 2024"

Complete the form to enter the prize draw for the Russian Geographical Society's tenth anniversary international educational initiative, the "Geographical Dictation 2024".

Take note! Only an adult family member (18 years of age and over) may complete this form providing their own personal information.

Place of residence
Please include an adult's name, surname, address, phone number, email address, and identity document (with the date and authority of issuance).
In accordance with Article 10.1 of Federal law № 152-FS of July 27, 2006, "About personal data," I agree to enable the operator, the All-Russian non-governmental organisation "Russian Geographical Society" (190000 Sankt Petersburg Grivzov Lane 10A, INN [individual tax code] 7812011023, OGRN [main state registration number] 103785801970), to share the personal data on the operator's information resources in the following order:
This type of information is known as personal information.
This type of information is known as personal information.
To be completed by an adult or legal representative upon request.
Please indicate the full number of the form, such as "1312903001011" (without quotation marks).
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