Everyone will be able to take part in the Geographical Dictation at the Central Venue. It will operate at the Moscow Headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society. Up to 10,000 people will test their knowledge of geography here in a remote format.
To participate in the Geographical Dictation at the Central Venue, you have to first register.
You can take the Dictation on November 19, from 12:00 to 13:00, Moscow time.
All registered participants will receive a personal link which will allow you to take the Dictation. Before testing, each participant will get access to a welcome speech from the moderator, a quiz, an instruction, as well as an individual 13-digit form number (code).
It is recommended to save the individual 13-digit code before starting the test. If the Dictation is interrupted for technical reasons, the code will become a password that will allow you to return to completing the tasks. The 13-digit code will be displayed while you are taking the Dictation, as well as after its completion. In the future, you can use it to find out your results on the Dictation’s website.
In 2023, the Geographical Dictation will take place in Russia and abroad for the ninth time. It will be held in-person and remotely at specially organized venues on November 19 from 12:00 to 13:00 local time. For those who will not be able to take the Dictation at the designated time period, an extra option will be available on the website of the event dictant.RGS.ru from 14:00 on November 19 to 14:00 on December 1, Moscow time.