On October 30 starts the international educational campaign “Geographical Dictation”, one of the sites of which will be the Norilsk Museum for the seventh time.
Thanks to the initiative of Vladimir Larin, a Doctor of Sciences in Biology (he once achieved the recognition of the Putorana plateau as part of the World Cultural Heritage of UNESCO), the Norilsk Museum was among the first in our country to support the idea of Geographical Dictation on its site.
Since 2016 the citizens of Norilsk have been answering the dictation questions in the museum expositions. Thus, they took part in the dictation at the exhibition site “Battle for Nickel. The labor feats of the citizens of Norilsk during the Second World War”, at the exhibitions “The History of GULAG. System and victims” from the funds of the GULAG History Museum (Moscow), “Journey around the World” from the Kaliningrad Museum of the World Ocean and others.
This year for the first time the event will take place at the Talnakh branch of the Norilsk Museum.
Recollecting the most interesting tasks, the museum employees especially mention the questions of the Taimyr Peninsula. The local nature, history of development and construction of Talnakh (from 1982 to 2004 it was a miners' town, now it's a district of Norilsk), development of mining became the key themes of the exposition of the branch of the Norilsk Museum. Museum materials allow learning geological and paleontological history of the Norilsk territory from the Archean times to the Cenozoic (nowadays), the history of discovering and construction of mines, life of the “ore capital” of Taimyr.
From the point of view of biodiversity the permanent exposition of the Talnakh branch of the Norilsk Museum called “Inhabitants of Taimyr reserves” is interesting. The exhibition is devoted to three large reserves belonging to the largest Association of Reserves of Russia and located on the territory of the Taimyr Peninsula: “Big Arctic”, “Putoransky” and “Taimyrsky”. The exposition tells about the peculiarities of the Taymyr ecosystem: terrain and climate, flora and fauna, rivers and lakes of the Taymyr natural reserve.
You can register for the site until October 28 by sending an e-mail to talnahnorilskmuseum.ru or by contacting the museum staff.